Anti-Counterfeit Policy For Selling On Akbhara (SOA)

At Akbhara we understand that counterfeiting is a serious issue and poses a significant safety hazard to our business. We have adopted an Anti-Counterfeit Policy to eliminate the impact of counterfeit products on our customers. This is a zero tolerance Policy against knowingly and intentionally trafficking counterfeit goods.

Akbhara does not use, nor condone the use of counterfeit products. We also expect sellers to adhere to our ethical business standards and mirror our practices and procedures. To support this policy of ensuring that there is a low risk of counterfeit products entering our store, Akbhara maintains processes to ensure purchases are only made directly from approved sellers and products. Should a counterfeit product be found, Akbhara will take care of the situation, if you have found a product like this please let us know through email at: